
These are typical Items of Rajasthan (in order): Palanquin (Four People carry this with the lady inside), Two camel skin coated jars for storing 'Ghee' which is obtaoned from Milk - something like liquid butter - good to build chlorestol and fat), the centre fat pot is for storing pulses- the narrow mouth is to stop rats from going in, the small flat round bowl with cover is to store indian bread before eating, trumpet like thing is the musical instrument, the flat things are called 'Dapli' they are also musical instruments- you beat on them by hand- they are covered by animal skin, camel, boy and girl in Rajasthani dress playing music, a typical village bed made of ropes under a thatched roof shelter, toys, a coal cooking furnace, Famous Rajasthani Dance with so many pots on her head, a boy dresses in traditional Rajasthani Dress, weapons, two potters making items from clay, people eating at Chokidani, a typical village, kerosene lantern. All these are typically Rajasthan. However I took these photos at Chokidani, Jaipur on tonk Road going to Sanganer.