India begs for money at outside forums. We are Developing they say. We have so many poor people. people below pverty levels.. and so they charge us taxes. Not that the Govt of India has ever been able to tax the rich and the business class... Only a small percentage of people who should pay tax pay tax. I forget the figures.. BUT THEN WHAT DO WE HAVE? We have people in GOVT, Bureaucrats, Politicians, Officials who splurge Tax payers' Money on themselves. When cars come at different prices, from Rs 3 lacs t0 4 lacs (1 lac= 1,00,000) for small size cars and 5 lacs to 7 lacs for mid size to big cars.. and from 8 lacs to 12 lacs to luxury cars and then costlier cars in the super luxure segment and SUVs and all. Why should Govt people drive cars like FORD ENDEAVOUR? One that is an SUV and costs around 17 lacs?? Where is our money going? Taxpayer's Money!!! Look at this PICTURE carrying a family of somebody from UP Govt (name plate is UP number.. says in HINDI "BHARAT SARKAR" Indian Govt). There was a red beacon light on the top.. I could not get it.. but pictures talk clearer.. and here is for the world to see how Poor Indian Govt people are living it up!!