Let me share something about Diwali:-
Deepo ka tyohar Deepavali.... (Deepo means lamps. Ka means of Tyohar means festival. SO it MEANS Festival of lamps Deepavali or diwali)
Celebrated in the month of Kartik (October / November) as per the Hinducalendar every year. Deepavali is celebrated for five consecutive days aseach day has its own significance.
The First day is called DHANTERAS The word "Dhan" means wealth. This day isof great importance to the business community as they worship "Lakshmi" onthis day.
The Second day is called NARKA-CHATURDASHI, which falls on the fourteenthday of the month of Kartik.
One legend for this is that demon King Narakasur after defeating Lord Indrasnatched away the magnificent earrings of Aditi, the Mother Goddess andimprisoned sixteen thousand daughters of the gods and saints in his harem.On the day preceding Narakachaturdashi, Lord Krishna killed the demon andfreed the imprisoned damsels and also recovered the precious earrings ofAditi. He then celebrated his victory by smearing his forehead with thedemon king's blood. When he returned to his palace the womenfolk massagedhim with scented oil and gave him a good bath. The custom of taking a bathwith scented oil and "Uptan" before sunrise is stillprevalent especially inMaharashtra.
The Third day of the festival of Diwali is the most important day ofLakshmi-Puja, which is entirely devoted to the Goddess Lakshmi. Themythical belief is that on this day Lakshmi emergedfrom the ocean.
It comes 21 days after Dussehra and also celebrates the return of Lord Ramato Ayodhya after his 14-year exile. Homes are decorated, sweets aredistributed to everyone and thousands of lamps lit in houses all over thecountry making it a night of enchantment. Doorways are hung with torans (adecorative garland for the door) of mango leaves and marigolds. Rangolis(designs on floor) are drawn with different coloured powders to welcomeguests. Worship of Goddess Lakshmi, festivities are an essential part ofthe occasion. It is believed that on this day Lakshmi walks the earth inevery bye-lane and showers her blessings on each householdfor prosperity.
This day is also known by the name of "Chopada-Puja". The day ofLakshmi-Puja falls on the dark night of Amavasya (new moon). It is believedthat on this auspicious day Lord Krishna discarded his body.
The Fourth day is Padwa or Varshapratipada, which marks the coronation ofKing Vikramaditya, and Vikaram-Samvat was started from this day. This dayis also known as ‘Dhoka’ and comes only once every four years.
The Fifth and final day of Diwali Festival is known by the name Bhaiya-Doojor Bhav-Bij or Bhai-Tika This day is observed as a symbol of love betweensisters and brothers.
The legendary belief is that on this day Yamraj -the god of death visitedhis sister Yami and she put the auspicious tilak on his forehead. Theyspent the day together, talking, eating, sharing stories of their lives andexchanged special gifts as a token of their love for each other. Yamrajthen announced that anyone who receives tilak from his sister on this daywould never be over thrown. Since then it became symbolic for the brotherto go to his sister's house to celebrate this day.
And here are some photos of Goddess Kali being worshipped and some oil lamps in the foreground. (Depends on the organiser of such community "Pujas" how the decorations will be done). Calcutta sites would show more lights and added attractions. This one was at Delhi celebrated by Bengalis there.

Well because I did not go out of my place I could not take better pictures of more lights but this gives a good idea of what that more can be. And tomorrow I will post some modest photos of some fireworks.
And what about fireworks?