A few views of Mangalore, a city in Karnataka, a state in South India more famous for its capital of Bangalore, the silicon valley of India. Mangalore is a small sea side city some 7 hours journey by road from Bangalore on the Arabian Sea and some 1 hour journey from Mumbai by air and some 400 kms from Goa. For more photos visit here.

This is the "Village" Family Restaurant at Mangalore- A quaint and serene food place- the interiors designed like a Village Hut complete with Rose Petals for Traditional Indian Welcome.

And here are some Local Houses and how they look... of course they have modern houses too but then who is interested in that?

You see a River and Local Houses and Coconut Trees and The Great Amabassador Car (The oldest Car in India... still running!!!! Gosh !! Can you believe it? )