ECR is boring... this guy says ... come to think of it is...if you consider that it is a straight road leading to Pondycherry (Puducherry) & barring the barren beaches on the left side and a few good sights of water around you there is nothing else on the road. .. but then ECR has a lot of places to lose yourself. Read this here.... I believe that one can enjoy nature only when one is tuned onto nature..... you need to have an antenna that picks up the signals that mother nature keeps sending to us all the time....and if you are one who enjoys only the Shopping Malls..then you are certainly not one of them!! ... Here on ECR there are lot of options including virgin beaches for you to lose yourself on the sides as well as enjoy a full moon night on the water side.. as my photo shows...
Photographically speaking I am not very happy with my photos.... I needed to adjust for the contrasting lights for the beaches... I am making some mistake... I do not know what yet.. earlier when I have taken shots of Goa or Andamans the beaches with the sky in the background came out well.. but in Chennai it seems the lights are too bright on the beaches and so the images do not have any contrast within.. them....there is no lighting difference between the subjects in the front and the backgrounds... and also for the bright and plain lighting all along the sea, the sky and the beaches!!....I am learning too. Here I have taken the same scene with different exposures to see which comes out better., then thought why waste them?
Great blog and pictures. Good luck
In the very first photo, I felt that the cloud is also sad and its recovering bit by bit later on which is indicated from 2nd photo......If I'm correct :)
Kiran ji sorry for late reply.. Thanks for your comments!
Creativity .. your comment makes my photo more meaningful.. I love your imagination!!
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